- Alberto Flores
- Autoconsumo
How to sell solar energy?
Solar energy is the cheapest electricity in history. And, as if that were not enough, it is a sustainable energy that is respectful of the environment. Reasons why today it is considered the most efficient energy source possible.
Solar energy is the cheapest electricity in history. And, as if that were not enough, it is a sustainable energy that is respectful of the environment. Reasons why today it is considered the most efficient energy source possible. In fact, according to this ABC news, with solar panels the savings on the electricity bill can be more than 700 euros a year. A considerable amount to take into account.
In addition to opting for isolated photovoltaic installations for self-consumption, we can also achieve extra savings if we generate more energy than we spend each month. What do we mean by this? Well, if your installation of photovoltaic panels is connected to the electricity grid, it is possible that you sell your surplus energy to your distributor and get an extra benefit for having one of the best facilities to generate electricity that exists today.
The first thing we must do is differentiate the two self-consumption modalities that we can carry out with solar panels. These types of facilities can be with surpluses, which are what will allow us to sell solar energy, and without surpluses. We tell you what each of them are like.
These are the ones that have batteries or other systems to save the energy obtained from the sun and use it for our own consumption. In other words, we do not have energy left over because everything that has been generated is used. In this way, these facilities cannot offer energy to the grid. Its processing is quite simple since it does not require many permits to be able to carry them out.
On the opposite side to the previous ones we find the self-consumption facilities with surpluses. In this case, as its name indicates, more energy is generated than consumed and those surpluses end up in the electrical network. It is here when we can decide to pour the energy into the network without further ado or opt for a more profitable option, the sale of solar energy.
Without compensation: in this mode, the energy that is left over will go to the electrical network, but no compensation will be received for it. The energy that has not been consumed will simply be sold at the price it has in the electricity market.
With compensation: in this case it works the same as the previous one but with the difference that the distributor will compensate the consumer on the electricity bill. In this case it is not a sale as in the previous one, but it consists of an economic saving in the energy expenditure that we make.
In this way, in order to sell it, we must have a self-consumption facility in which there are surpluses. In addition, we must comply with a series of requirements without which it will be impossible to sell the solar energy that we generate. These requirements are the following:
The power of the installation cannot exceed 100kW.
There must be a bidirectional type counter.
The installation must be connected to the network and there must be an electricity contract with the corresponding retailer.
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